BGIN will hold the 10th general meeting, Block#10, in Tokyo, Japan, from March 3 to 6 during the Japan Fintech Week. Registration is now open here. Our tickets will grant you free entry to the biggest event, FIN/SUM2024. Our ticket sale is on a first-come-first-served basis, and the maximum number of in-person tickets on sale is 150!
Admission Type | Ticket Type | Price |
General Admission (In-person) | whole event (with free entry to FIN/SUM 2024) | USD100 |
3/3 or 3/4(without free entry to FIN/SUM 2024) | USD20 | |
3/5 or 3/6(with free entry to FIN/SUM 2024) | USD30 | |
Remote Admission (online) | whole event | USD30 |
for students/academia (ID is needed on-site) | Free |
The Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN) is a multi-stakeholder discussion body / distributed think tank, which plays the same role as what ISOC/IETF/ICANN/IGF is doing for the Internet ecosystem for the blockchain ecosystem. BGIN was established following the G20 2019 communique.
GIN Block #10, the BGIN's ninth general meeting, will be held from March 3 to 6, 2024, in Tokyo, Japan, during the Japan Fintech Week.
Goals of Block 10
First is to bring voice to individuals focused on governance for digital economic networks, digital identity and more applications based on blockchain technology. Major themes to include are (not limited to):
- governance of blockchain technology, applications and
- digital identity
- stable coin
- security of smart contract
- social-economic design
- financial stability
- ethics and
- BGIN community growth for all stakeholders
Second is to promote multi-stakholder dialogue to find alignment and explore solutions to key challenges in blockchain governance.
Third is to collaborate in working groups and produce documentation to maintain discourse on core topics nominated by the network of participants. Share learnings and create conversation with a diversity of stakeholders and geographies.
All sessions are not one-sided. We welcome all attendees to join the discussion with the main discussants

Who should attend?
- Developers
- Regulators
- Business entities
- Consumers
- Civil society
- Academia
- And anyone interested in blockchain ecosystems!
Main Discussion Topics
Financial Applications
- Anti-Money Laundering Measures in DeFi
- Security Hazards in DeFi's Development
- The Future of CBDC
- Security requirements for wallets
Non-Financial Applications
- Self-sovereign identity
- Worldcoin Security Impact
- MPC, ZKP and Applications
All sessions are not one sided. We welcome all attendees to join the discussion with main discusstants
Past block meeting
YouTube Channel:
BGIN Co-Chairs
- Shin’ichiro Matsuo
- Mai Santamaria
Identity Key Management and Privacy (IKP) Working Group Co-Chairs
- Nat Sakimura
- Mitchell Travers
Decentralized Treasury Working Group Co-Chairs
- Leon Molchanovsky
- Chloe White
- Amanda Wick
- Ken Katayama
Local Hosts
- Jumpei Miwa
- Takaya Sugino
- Masato Tsutsumi
- Lulu Ito
Day 1 (Mar. 3 Sun.) | Global Business Hub Tokyo
13:00 - 13:10 Opening Remarks
Speaker: Jumpei Miwa (Local Chair), Shin'ichiro Matsuo (BGIN Chair)
13:10 - 14:30 Opening session
Recap of Block#9 and Goal of Block#10 and BGIN
Main discussants: Shin’ichiro Matsuo, Joseph Beverley (Soulbis), Hirotaka Nakajima (CGTF), BGIN WG Chairs
14:30 - 16:00 [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Privacy vs Discoverability
Main discussants: Carole House, Amanda Wick (AWIC), Jamie Danker (Venable, former DHS), Carol van Cleef (Luminous Group), Bessho Masaki (Bank of Japan), Jemma Xu (Singularity), Jonathan Rouach (QEDIT)
Related Document 1:
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:00 [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Stability Challenges - interconnectedness between incumbent system and decentralised system
Main discussants: Jumpei Miwa (Block#10 Local Chair), Yuta Takanashi, Nao Kitazawa (Eight Roads), Nobu Sugimoto (IMF), Yuko Kawai (remote), Hiromi Yamaoka (Future Corp), Chengyi Ong (Chainalysis)
18:00 - 20:00 Networking Event (supported by Fintech Association Japan)
Day 2 (Mar. 4 Mon.) Financial Applications and Social Economics | Conference Square M Plus
9:00 - 9:10 Opening of Day2
Speaker: Chloe White (DTWG co-chair), Leon Molchanovsky (DTWG co-chair)
9:10 - 10:00 [Keynote Speech & Panel] BGIN's 4-year Journey to the 10th Block Meeting
Panelists: Shigeru ARIIZUMI (JFSA Vice Minister for International Affairs), Shin’ichiro Matsuo (BGIN Co-Chair), Jumpei Miwa (Block#10 Local Chair), Carole House (ex-White House), Roselyn Newnjr (Agnostic), Julien Bringer (ISO/TC 307/JWG 4)
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:00 [Round Table for an Emerging Issue] The Role of DAOs in the modern world
Main discussants: Hal Seki, Keiji Tonomura, Joni Pirovich (BADASL), Dmitry Fedotov (ADGM)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:30 [Room A] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Transparency of dApps and Sound DeFi
Main discussants: Carole House, Fletcher Roberts (Hasklock), Alex Zerden (Capital Peak Strategies LLC), Chengyi Ong (Chainalysis) , Nikos Andrikogiannopoulos (Metrika)
Related Documents 1:
Related Documents 2:
Related Documents 3: The meeting report of block 9
13:00 - 14:30 [Room B] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Tokenization and Real-World Assets
Main discussants: Will Remor (MakerDAO), Alejandro Gutierrez (npayme Labs), Masato Yamanaka (SMTB), Jerome Dadon (MezFi)
14:30 - 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:30 [Room A] [Workshop with Chatham House Rule] The mutual impact and improved outcomes of blockchain & AI as synergistic technologies
Main discussants: Chloe White, Joni Pirovich (BADASL), Dr Gayan Benedict (MIT University), Austin Zhu (Desoul), Arturo Rodriguez (NotCentralised), Stephan Roberto (Ape Law)
15:00 - 16:30 [Room B] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Smart Contract Security, and Governance
Main discussants: Leon Molchanovsky, Shunya Noda (University of Tokyo), vita (Titania Research), Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo (Djed alliance)
Related Documents 1: The meeting report of block 9
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 - 18:30 [Room A] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] The Harmonisation of CBDC, Deposit Token, Stablecoin, Crypto Assets and DeFi
Main discussants: Masaki Bessho (Bank of Japan), Samar Sen (Talos), Nobu Sugimoto (IMF), Hiromi Yamaoka (Future Corp), Yam Ki Chan (Circle), Ramy Soliman (GMO), Can Sun (Solana Foundation), Benedict Nolens (BIS Innovation Hub),
Related Documents 1: The meeting report of block 9
Related Documents 2:
17:00 - 18:30 [Room B] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Illicit Activities
Main discussants: Leon Molchanovsky, Hayato Shigekawa (Chainalysis), Chengyi Ong (Chainalysis), Angela Ang (TRM Labs), Chen Arad (Solidus Labs), Joshua Foo (Mastercard), Jessica Mila Schutzman (Brava)
18:30 - 18:45 Wrap Up
19:00 - 21:00 Social Event
Day 3 (Mar. 5 Tue.) Non-Financial Applications | Conference Square M Plus
9:00 - 9:10 Opening of Day 3
Mitchell Travers (IKP-WG co-chair), Nat Sakimura (IKP-WG Co-chair)
9:10 - 9:30 [Keynote Speech] Layer 2 Governance
Speaker: Justin Drake (Ethereum Foundation)
9:30 - 11:00 [Round Table for an Emerging Issue] Layer 2 Governance
Main discussants: Mitchell Travers, Leona Hioki (Intmax)
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00 [Room A] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Wallet Governance and Credential Management
Main discussants: Nat Sakimura, Daniel Goldscheider (OpenWallet Foundation), Saki Otsuki (NEC)
Related Document 1: Current draft document
Related Document 2: The meeting report of block 9
11:30 - 13:00 [Room B] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Challenges and innovations in on-chain analysis
Main discussants: Shin'ichiro Mastuo, Angela Ang (TRM lab), Kevin Oconnor (FinCEN), Daniel Goldsmith (Heights Labs), Evan Kohlmann (Cloudburst Technology), Chen Arad (Solidus Labs), Joshua Foo (Mastercard)
Related Document 1:
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 [Room A] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Incident Response and Cyber Security
Main discussants: Carole House, Jessy Irwin (Amulet Security), Sigal Mandelker (Crypto ISAC), Kenichi Sugawara (CGTF), Julien Bringer (ISO/TC 307/JWG 4), Hayato Shigekawa (Chainalysis)
Related Document 1:
Related Document 2: CGTF Document (= ISO TR23576)
Related Document 2: GU research paper for cyber insurance based on smart contract (WTSC2019)
14:00 - 15:30 [Room B] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] SBT Paper Part 2 On-chain identity, reputation and attestations
Main discussants: Joseph Beverley (Soulbis)
Related Document 1:
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 [Room A] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] Privacy pool / Accountable Wallet
Main discussants: Shin’ichiro Matsuo, Masato Yamanaka (SMTB), Fabian Schär (University of Basel), Jemma Xu (Singularity), Ken Katayama (NRI)
Related Document 1:
Related Document 2: The meeting report of block 9
16:00 - 17:30 [Room B] [Workshop under Chatham House Rule] ZKP and its application
Main discussants: Leona Hioki (Intmax)
Related Document 1: Current draft document
Related Document 2: The meeting report of block 9
17:30 - 18:00 Wrap Up
Day 4 (Mar. 6 Wed.) Industry, Sponsors & BGIN Operational Activities | Conference Square M Plus
9:00 - 9:10 Opening of Day 4
Speaker: Shin’ichiro Matsuo (BGIN Co-Chair)
9:10 - 10:00 [Industrial Roundtable] Blockchain applications and business
Recruit: Jumpei Miwa SMBC: Kohei Ichihara DeCurret DCP: Hiromi Yamaoka Monex: Yo Nakagawa
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee Break
10:20 - 11:10 [Industrial Roundtable] Future of blockchain technology development
Chainalysis: Chengyi Ong NRI: Ken Katayama, Kosuke Kawazu Ginco: Ken Masuda Digital Garage: Ichiro Kuwahara
11:10 - 12:00 [Industrial Roundtable] Trusted Web: strengthen the trustworthiness of digital society
Yuta Okuyama (Cabinet Secretariat), Yuichi Ohta (DataSign), Hisayoshi Endo (DNP), Rintaro Okamoto (DNP)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 13:50 [Local Blockchain Community Round Table] Woman in Crypto: Japan, Asia and Global Collaboration
Main discussants: Yuki Kamimoto (CoinDesk JAPAN), Amanda Wick (AWIC), Chloe White (IKPWG Co-Chair), Waka Itagaki (METI Japan), Yuko Kawai (Bank of Kochi)
13:50 - 14:40 [Local Blockchain Community Round Table] Japanese Blockchain Community Sessions
Speaker: Nao Kitazawa (Eight Roads), Seihaku Yoshida (HashPort), Jeff Wentworth (Curvegrid), Yosuke Shiraishi (MZ Web3 Fund), Russel Saito (Blockdaemon)
14:40 - 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:00 [Round Table] Future Roadmap of BGIN
Speaker: Shin'ichiro Matsuo
16:00 - 16:30 Closing Plenary
Speaker: Shin'ichiro Matsuo, Jumpei Miwa