BGIN Block #3 Meeting
2021 Jun. 29 〜 2021 Jul. 01
Virtual DC/NYC

Who should attend?
- Developers
- Regulators
- Business entities
- Consumers
- Civil society
- Academia
- And anyone interested in blockchain ecosystems!
Day 1 (6/29 Tue.)
Time | Title | Panels |
15:00-16:00 | Opening Plenary | |
16:00-17:00 | Invited talks on Future of Blockchain Development | Session chair: James J. Angel, Associate Professor at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business Business: Sarah Olsen, Head of Business Development for Onyx, JP Morgan Regulator: Jonathan Fishman, Co-chair of FATF VACG (Virtual Assets Contact Group) Engineer: Yehuda Jay Berg, CEO Protoblock, Lead Developer, Sidepit |
17:00-18:00 | Open discussion | Invited speakers as panelists + moderator + discussion with all attendees |
Day 2 (6/30 Wed.)
Time | Title | Panels |
15:00-16:30 | Internal Governance Working Group | Shigeya Suzuki Aaron Wright |
16:30-18:00 | IAM, Key Management and Privacy Working Group | Chair: Nat Sakimura |
18:00-19:00 | Unconference sessions & social hour + brainstorming in multiple breakout rooms - proposals for topics are welcomed |
Day 3 (7/1 Thu.)
Time | Title | Panels |
15:00-15:30 | Presentations from local blockchain community | Session Chair: Michele Neitz, Professor of Law, Golden Gate University School of Law; Affiliated Scholar, LexLab at University of California, Hastings College of the Law Ben Bartlett, Berkeley California City Councilmember Michael Moro, CEO, Genesis |
15:30-16:30 | Panel: Institutionalization of cryptocurrency: Is it really ready? | Moderator: Reena Aggarwal, Georgetown University, Robert E. McDonough Professor of Finance & Director, Center for Financial Markets and Policy Financial institution: Luis Rodriguez, Director del Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica para El Salvador Academia: Priya Sahu, Visiting Researcher at Center for Financial Markets and Policy, Georgetown University, MSB researching Fintech, Financial Inclusion and Integrity Business: Michael Moro, CEO, Genesis Civil society: Michael Peterson, Director, Bitcoin Beach El Salvador Engineer: Sergej Kotliar, Founder and CEO, Bitrefill |
16:30-17:15 | BGIN Road map | |
17:15-18:00 | Closing Plenary |
Organizing and program committee
- Reena Aggarwal (Co-chair)
- Aaron J Wright (Co-chair)
- James Angel
- Eric Burger
- Shin’ichiro Matsuo
- Michele Benedetto Neitz
- Nat Sakimura
- Mai Santamaria
- Robert Schwentker
- Shigeya Suzuki
- Ryosuke Ushida
- Frederic de Vaulx
- Ayako Yamazaki
- Julien Bringer (Block #2 local co-chair)
- Nii Quaynor (Block #4 local co-chair candidate)
Contact Info
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